June 26, 2020
Beat & Path
A – Uone & Western – Tale of the Seven Samurai
B – Uone & Western – The of the Seven Samurai (D-nox & Beckers Remix)
The Galactic Federation’s decree to apprehend the martial lawbreakers Uone & Western has led to the lockdown of the entire East quadrant. The reasons are clear: the duo’s forthcoming LP titled The Lone Wranglers’, rumoured for release in one Earth month. Word on the interstellar highway is that the LP is an interpretation on the classic American frontier by way of psychedelic flourishes, deep tribal house and sublimated brain wave messaging. These are dangerous yet exciting times.
Before that release, Uone & Western has one more ace up their sleeve with the knee-slapping, high-priority, shogun vibes of ‘The Tale of the Seven Samurai’. They have scoured the northern prairies of E-ropa to find help in D-nox & Beckers, a couple of seasoned buckaroos known for their bacchanalian ways.
‘The Tale of Seven Samurai’ is the most explosive release so far and takes inspiration from the prophetic Akira Kurosawa myth found on Earth. Like the cycles of life, FX and musical flourishes appear and disappear, and numerous samples pack out an entertaining yet rousing rendition. If your dancefloor needs defending, you have come to the right place.
Logged deep within the information portals formerly inhabited by the archaic 5G networks are the names of D-nox & Beckers. Just mentioning their deadly names will activate warnings and tip-off local authorities. Be safe but don’t fret; they confidently turned ‘The Tale of Seven Samurai’ into a profound reason to stand up and stand your ground. Melodic stabs, smooth cowboy guitar and profoundly hopeful strings all soar together like the Aurora Borealis.